Young Penrith Entrepreneur Recognised in National Grant Competition

IMG_2651It’s only been ten months since Kaydee Gosper opened KD Hair, but since then she’s already made a name for herself for her signature colour and styling, been nominated as one of the top businesses in the area at the Penrith Local Business Awards and won the BizCover “BizGiver Business Grant”.
Kaydee was one of the many businesses at the Penrith Local Business Awards last week with a wish for their business, and was the chosen business to receive the prize!

“We chose her because of her demonstrated passion and work ethic, she is obviously a very hard worker,” states Michael Gottlieb, co-founder and Managing Director of BizCover “we could also see that her wish for a MacBook would be something that would really enable her to take on more in her business and potentially further her business.”

“I enjoy the challenge that I give myself every day and I love to push myself to achieve new things that I never thought possible,” Miss Gosper explains “I love that my clients can feel completely relaxed in my salon and they will always walk away with a smile on their face and be happy with the service they received.”

It’s this service that has made Kaydee extremely popular with her clients, with her demand so high that there can often be months long wait time for her excellent service.

Winning this award will mean that Kaydee will be able to cut down these wait times by reducing her time spent on administration.

“The prize will make a huge difference in the day to day running of my business,” Kaydee enthuses, “as I’m always so busy doing what I love, this prize will help me be organised, and make things easier.”

BizCover, the owner of this grant program, is Australia’s top online business insurance serviceand revolutionised the industry when they first started in 2007 by finally allowing small businesses to quickly compare multiple business insurance quotes for free online and started the BizGiver program as a way to give back to the Small Business community that they hold dear.


“We have customers in nearly every type of business across Australia, it’s inspiring to see these truly unique businesses like KD Hair reach success,” says Gottlieb “we want to honour that Aussie entrepreneurship that so often gets overlooked at the early stages and a grant like this can really be the boost they need to allow their business to take a step up to the next level.”

A wish will be granted by Bizcover.com.au monthly in the form of a specific product or service valued at up to $2000. Businesses must have a valid ABN to apply but don’t need to be an existing BizCover customer to enter.

Wishes can be submitted online via www.smallbusinessbuddy.com.au or on the BizCover Facebook Page.

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