Sydney speech pathologist uses her BizGiver grant to power her podcast



At BizCover, we’re all about championing Aussie small businesses. That’s why we uplift small business owners and help them accomplish their goals through the BizGiver grant competition.

The $5,000 grant is awarded to small business owners to help them grow their businesses. Finalists are selected by a public vote, and the ultimate winner is decided by BizCover staff. With more than 5,000 votes in total, the competition for this latest round was fierce.

We are excited to announce Rita Shamoun as the latest recipient of the BizGiver grant. Rita requested specialised recording equipment that would take her podcast to the next level in terms of quality and what she could achieve.

This is Rita’s success story.

How did Rita Shamoun Speech Pathology first get started?

Rita Shamoun is a mobile paediatric speech pathologist who operates around the Greater Sydney area. For Rita, her goal is to help people who are living with or who care for someone living with a communication disorder. She does this through her work and her increasingly popular podcast, Wine with Wita.

Rita has more than 14 years of industry experience as a speech pathologist. She stopped working full time in order to raise her three daughters. Then, just over two years ago, she decided to return to work and go into business for herself.

Rita explains, “A friend of mine needed support with her daughter’s communication. The waiting lists for speech pathology are horrendous. So, as a little act of kindness, I would help her daughter out. In that moment, I started to feel good about coming back to work.

“Just by seeing her once a week and seeing the progress, I thought, ‘Okay, maybe I should do my own thing and start my own business.’ One client led to another client, and then another, and over time, ‘Rita Shamoun’ became a well-known name in the area. I became the go-to person for speech pathology services. Now, two years later, I have a well-established business and [the experience] has been wonderful.”

Why did you decide to start your own podcast?

Rita’s podcast, Wine with Wita, began as just a small idea that quickly gained momentum.

“One Wednesday, I decided to start this Wita’s Wednesday Words segment, where I would go live on Instagram and give parents advice or comfort about helping their children communicate,” says Rita.

“It evolved into sharing client stories, so other parents could feel seen and heard. A parent’s voice is just as important as their child’s. Sharing their story might help another parent going through a similar situation. So, I thought, ‘Let’s turn this into a podcast and see where it goes.’ With a simple recording device and some help from BizCover’s BizGiver competition, Wine with Wita became a reality.”

Where does the name Wine with Wita actually come from?

The name for Rita’s podcast is a true reflection of her personality, an authentic representation of herself as a small business owner and professional speech pathologist.

“Many kids can’t produce certain sounds, so they substitute them. A lot of children call me Wita, and it’s stuck. Even my friends call me Wita now!” Rita laughs.

“Then, during one of the [Instagram Live sessions], a friend of mine joked, ‘Let’s just have a wine with Wita,’ because it was late at night. I love fine dining and spending quality time with people, so we made a joke about it, and I thought, ‘Wow, this could be something!’

What keeps you motivated each day?

Rita is passionate about helping children with speech disorders and educating their parents in how best to support them. This is what helps her get out of bed every morning with a spring in her step.

“I think the biggest drive for me is knowing that I can change a child’s life. I can support a child to the best of their capacity, to give them the voice they need,” says Rita. “When you start to understand a child’s behaviour, you realise that their behaviour is also a form of communication. When they’re angry or frustrated, that’s their way of saying, ‘I can’t do this. I need help.’ Knowing I can provide that help gives me so much gratitude and purpose every day. That’s the big factor.”

Rita also says that her own personal small business journey has been its own reward.

“Another big accomplishment is the self-discovery that comes with being a sole trader and business owner – learning about yourself, transitioning from being an employee to owning a business. That in itself is an accomplishment.”

Why did you enter the BizGiver competition?

Rita says that all it took was one email.

“I saw an email from BizCover. I started thinking about how I could use the $5,000 and realised I could really use it for equipment. As a small business, it’s important to invest in things that help you grow,” Rita says.

“I saw [the BizGiver grant] as a chance to grow my business without directly investing in my speech therapy work. Wine with Wita was a side hustle that I loved doing.”

The equipment Rita bought with the grant has allowed her to take her podcast to the next level in terms of quality.

“One of the biggest issues I had before was noise quality.  So, I invested in a proper microphone, headphones, video recording equipment, and lighting. Before, I was using the light on my phone! The [BizGiver grant] has really improved the quality of my podcast.”

Rita Shamoun Paediatric speech pathologist

What was your experience like entering BizGiver?

This was Rita’s first time entering the BizGiver grant competition. She says that her experience was fun and, above all, gave her confirmation that she was on the right track with her podcast.

“I remember sitting [at home], telling myself, ‘Just talk, Rita.’ When I found out I was in the top 10 finalists, I was thrilled.  And then winning was a confirmation that Wine with Wita was something special.”

Rita says she was also humbled by the community support she received after people found out about her BizGiver entry.

“Lots of people told me, ‘I didn’t know you had a podcast, but now that I do, I’ll vote for you!’ Complete strangers showing support was so uplifting and motivating. Even if I hadn’t won, the whole experience opened new doors for me to think about how to invest in the podcast differently.”

What advice do you have for Australian small business owners thinking of entering BizGiver?

As the most recent winner of the BizGiver grant, Rita’s advice is straightforward and simple.

“I’d say, find your ‘why.’ Everyone has a gift, and once you discover and embrace it, pursue it. In my case, I wanted to help children communicate while also following my passion for fine dining and conversation. BizCover can support you in growing your brand, so why not give it a go?”

You could be the next BizGiver grant recipient

The latest BizGiver small business grant competition is running from 9 October to 9 December 2024. All you need to do to enter is create a one-minute video telling us about a product or service that will help you spark a new revenue stream, or just make your small business life a little easier.

To find out more about Rita Shamoun Speech Pathology, make sure you visit her website to get in touch and check out her podcast.

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