Insurance for Disability Workers

  • Insurance for Aged Care, Disability Care and NDIS Care Providers
  • Combined Professional Indemnity and Public Liability coverage
  • Instant online cover – No paperwork

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Why do Disability Support Workers need insurance?

As a disability support worker, you play a crucial role in providing assistance to individuals with disabilities. Your tasks may include helping them with personal care and medication management, while also offering emotional support. You may lend a hand with household chores or accompany them on shopping trips and other outings.

Professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurance are important for disability support workers as it safeguards your finances and reputation if legal action is taken against you. It also demonstrates professionalism to clients, employers, and regulatory bodies like the NDIS.

We know, sometimes you just want a quick idea of how much your insurance is actually going to cost. However, it’s important to note that the data included within this article was sourced from BizCover customer data during 2016/2017 and is intended as a guide only. It may not reflect pricing for your particular business as individual underwriting criteria will apply. Get a hassle-free quote for your business here.

Did you know?

Under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018, NDIS disability support workers have a duty to notify registered NDIS providers of reportable incidents. Reportable incidents include serious injury of a person with disability.

In case of accidental harm, it is important to have Public Liability insurance and Professional Indemnity insurance. With BizCover, you can compare insurance packages from some of Australia’s leading insurers.

What does business insurance for support workers cover?

Professional Indemnity

Professional Indemnity insurance will assist you in the event of negligence or breach of duty as a disability support worker. For example, if you make a mistake administering medication to a client leading to an adverse reaction or overdose.

Your Professional Indemnity insurance will cover matters such as:

  • An award or settlement of compensation payable to a third party; and
  • Defence costs (such as legal fees, investigation costs, expert fees)

Professional Indemnity policies respond to claims made against you in the policy period, even if those claims occurred in the past. If your employment ends, there is an option to include ‘run-off cover’. It is designed to provide protection from professional negligence claims even after you have stopped working.

It is important to note that the policies offered through BizCover do not provide cover for procedures that would require a medical or nursing qualification.

Public Liability Insurance

Public Liability insurance protects disability support workers against claims for property damage or bodily injury, to clients or members of the public. This could include accidents that happen while working in your client’s home or community settings.

A public liability claim could arise if you forget to clean a slippery floor in your client’s home, causing someone to slip and injure themselves or cause property damage.

Hear what our Disability Care Workers have to say

*As with any insurance, cover will be subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy document.  The information contained on this webpage is general only and should not be relied upon as advice.