Content marketing takes many forms, from blog posts to podcasts and videos. But if you’re like most businesses, you need help figuring out which types of content marketing are most effective for your specific business goals. In this guide, we’ll take a look at the top 9 types of content marketing that perform well across industries (including yours), and explain how they can improve your bottom line.
Blogging and long-form content
A blog is a great way to build trust with your audience and build your reputation. Content marketing is all about building authority, and blogging is one of the best ways to do this. When you’re writing articles for your own blog, it shows that you have something valuable to say and are willing to put in the time and effort necessary to produce high-quality content.
When people come across one of your posts on social media or elsewhere, they will be more likely than before to check out what else you have written because they already like your style! You want them coming back again and again so they can consume all that awesome content that only YOU are creating just for them.
Social media
Social media is a great way to connect with customers and build your brand. It’s also an excellent tool for getting customer feedback, which you can use to inform future content marketing efforts. Finally, social media provides you with an opportunity to ask your followers for reviews— a powerful way of turning customers into advocates!
Infographics are a great way to share information and data in an easily digestible format. They’re also visually appealing, making infographics the perfect medium for giving your readers something they’ll enjoy looking at while learning something new.
On top of all of this, infographics tend to perform really well on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. The combination of interesting visuals and fun facts can be very compelling!
Videos and podcasts
Video and podcasts are two highly effective forms of content marketing. Videos are a great way to reach people and explain complex ideas, while podcasts can be used to engage with your audience by creating trust and building rapport with them.
If you’re new to video editing or podcasting, there are many tools that can help you get started. For example, if you want to create videos on your phone, try using the iMovie app or Google’s Clips app; if you want to make podcasts on your laptop, use Audacity software for PC or Mac computers (or GarageBand for Mac).
Presentations and slideshows
Presentations and slideshows can be a great way to get your message across. They allow you to communicate key points in an informal, engaging way that is easy for both you and your audience.
Here are some tips:
- Use images and videos – Images are great because they add variety to a presentation, while videos provide context and help viewers better understand the content.
- Keep structure consistent – Keep similar slides together in the same section or module (e.g., background information, solutions), which will facilitate comprehension for viewers as they move through the presentation.
- Entice with an attention-grabbing title – The title should be short but descriptive; it should also include keywords that speak directly to what your audience wants from your content (e.g., “How We Increased Sales by 30% With Our New Marketing Strategy”). This will make people want to read more so they can find out how you did it!
- Present information clearly – Make sure every slide has clear supporting points or subheadings so there aren’t any questions left unanswered at the end of each section/module.
Whitepapers and ebooks
White papers and ebooks are great for educating your customers on how to use your product or service. They help establish credibility by showing that you understand their challenges and offer solutions for them in an easy-to-understand format.
Whitepapers and ebooks also allow you to establish thought leadership within your industry through interviews, case studies, surveys or other research that shows how others have used products like yours successfully.
Lastly, this form of content marketing is beneficial because it increases conversions by providing value without asking for anything in return from readers—and often leads directly into sales opportunities down the road (when readers want more information).
Research reports and surveys
Research reports and surveys are a great way to get data. You can use them to generate leads, content, buzz, and even sales.
- To generate leads: Send people who already know your business a survey. Ask them questions about their attitudes, goals and behaviours related to the topic of your report. Then use that information in your report as evidence supporting your recommendations for how they should do something differently going forward.
- To generate content and buzz: Post details about upcoming research or preliminary results from ongoing projects on social media channels like Facebook or LinkedIn—and link back to the full report once it’s published online so that anyone interested in reading more can do so easily without having been asked first!
Display advertising
Display advertising is a great way to reach a large audience while they’re browsing the web. Display ads are often quite simple, and can be anything from a single image or video ad to a collage of images or videos all placed together on one page. Display advertising is usually associated with websites that allow advertisers to buy space on their pages in order to display their own ads and content. Some common examples of sites that use display advertising include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Adsense, Bing Ads and Yahoo!
Email marketing
Email marketing is a great way to engage with your customers and build relationships. You can use it to get people back to your site, help them buy from you, refer their friends, and more.
It’s also one of the most cost-effective ways of reaching a large audience, so if you’re just starting out or don’t have a lot of money to spend on advertising yet it’s still worth getting into targeted emails.
There are many different forms of content marketing, and they can all be effective. You just need to pick the right type for your business. Keep in mind the type of product or brand you want to promote, then start brainstorming ideas based on that context. Remember it’s about more than just the type of content you create, but how well it is executed.
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