BizCover By Day – Chloe

Our BizCover offices are filled with dedicated and passionate team members that are committed to our business and yours. In BizCover By Day we celebrate some of our extraordinary team members, in and outside the office.

Writing has always been a big part of Chloe’s life. As BizCover’s staff Writer and Content Marketing Specialist, Chloe’s role sees her producing heaps of content for BizCover; from blog pieces on why yoga teachers need insurance to internal communications, like staff newsletters. Having been with BizCover for almost nine months, Chloe has enjoyed the challenge of translating the highly intricate and technical world of insurance into an approachable and interesting read.

Even outside the office, Chloe is a passionate creative. Since she was young, Chloe has always had a passion for writing. Combining that with cooking and photography, she created her own website to pursue her interests. On Clovar Creative, Chloe shares her experiences through photography and blog posts. She particularly enjoys finding tucked-away venues that serve great food; whether it’s the best local seafood on the South Coast or a bakery in the Blue Mountains, she loves the opportunity “to inspire others to find some true hidden gems and to go out and explore!”

Chloe explains that as a food and travel writer she is: “always on a quest to find interesting menus, rustic farm gates and cellar doors, seasonal recipes to whip up in the kitchen and opportunities to get outdoors to camp, hike and explore.”

Her travel and food writing has opened up a world of opportunities, including working with some of her favourite brands and bloggers, and even becoming a food judge for an international restaurant review publication!

Her photography is also gaining popularity. “I have recently had my photographs of some of the state’s most amazing farms and campsites published for a new Australian camping site. The site helps promote farmers and their interest in renting out their farms for people to stay at.”

Through both her blogging and her role at BizCover, Chloe is constantly interacting with small businesses. Yet while her foodie adventures allow her to rest and recharge away from the office, Chloe enjoys returning to her BizCover team and sharing her adventures with them, always hoping to inspire their own road trips and experiences. She also feels excited about working in a growing and innovative workplace and the opportunity to work with great minds and interesting people at BizCover.

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