BizCover supports 200,000 ANZ customers with less than 20 full time service staff

  • BizCover supports 200,000 customers across ANZ with less than 20-full-time service staff through Intelligent Automation
  • BizCover’s Ops Excellence Manager, Brad Hoyle, shares at Salesforce World Tour 2023 how his team identified opportunities and implemented Intelligent Automation solutions to boost productivity
  • By letting humans be humans and robots be robots, the business can deliver an experience that is both empathetic and highly efficient to keep customers and boost productivity

Brad Hoyle

BizCover’s Ops Excellence Manager speaking on Intelligent Automation at Salesforce World Tour 2023 in Sydney

Every business leader has one word on their lips in 2023 – productivity.

But with rising interest rates and shrinking budgets affecting their bottom lines, the question is how can companies increase productivity while still offering customers a great experience?

“The answer is Intelligent Automation,” says Brad Hoyle, Ops Excellence Manager at business insurance service BizCover.

In a nutshell, automation helps businesses deliver scalable efficiency by cutting costs and putting repetitive tasks on cruise control.

Intelligent Automation (IA) takes it a step further by incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI), which uses complex algorithms to analyse data, develop a source of knowledge, and use it to make predictions.

“Through our Intelligent Automation partner, Salesforce, we’ve been able to support more than 200,000 customers with less than 20 full-time customer service employees across Australia and New Zealand.”

BizCover’s Salesforce trailblazers Emma Davis, Yash Karcherla, Brad Hoyle and Elena Etheridge

While using these advanced technologies sounds great, it can be challenging for business leaders to identify where to use Intelligent Automation.

Hoyle admits that BizCover was lucky. The Sydney-based Insurtech manages the end-to-end customer experience and journey for small businesses purchasing business insurance through its platform. And with more than 200,000 customers across the ANZ region, that’s a lot of data to input into the system.

“We use this data to construct a 360-degree view of the customer, their needs, and our offerings,” says Hoyle. “This allows us to start identifying key opportunities to deploy intelligent automation and stay true to our customer fanatic values.”

An example is how BizCover managed email enquiries from customers. The process of notifying customers was simple, repetitive, and manual, taking up valuable time and resources from BizCover agents.

Hoyle’s team identified this time-suck and decided to deploy Salesforce’s Einstein Case Classification as a solution to run IA through the process.

By leveraging the power of Machine Learning (ML), Einstein Case Classification is able to recommend, select, or save information based on historical case data.

So, when data previously entered by BizCover agents are inputted into Einstein, the system will then learn to do the task automatically – reducing the need for an agent to manually this type of request ever again.

This allows BizCover agents to focus more on customer experience and less on time-consuming tasks.

Today, customer queries, such as resending insurance documents or rescheduling payments, are automatically processed in real time.

“We saw a low-value process that benefits customers and automated it. And best of all, the system will learn to do it better next time.”

BizCover’s Ops Excellence Manager speaking on Intelligent Automation

The cultural shift needed for change

In any digital transformation, the human element is just as important as the technology itself.

“It works best when everyone in the team takes responsibility for customer experience, from your front-line workers through to your back-end developers,” says Hoyle.

A great tool to drive this culture has been Trailhead, Salesforce’s online learning platform which allows employees to continue exploring new capabilities while supporting change and innovation.

While Intelligent Automation can clearly improve productivity within a company, it’s the impact on employee experience that could revolutionise the workplace.

“Above all else, automation is giving our people back time to work better – and that’s where our customers really see the benefit,” says Hoyle.

“By letting humans be humans and robots be robots, we can deliver an experience that is both empathetic and highly efficient.”

Key takeaways

Approaching a solution like Intelligent Automation can be daunting for many business leaders, and it can have a profound effect on how the company operates.

If there’s one central theme behind implementing Intelligent Automation solutions, it’s that business decisions need to be driven by the customer.

“Make sure you involve the frontline staff in the projects,” says Hoyle. “Your staff can be your best resources to understand customer pain points and common requests. Don’t go tech heavy on solution design without consulting your direct contact with the customer.”

Being adaptive is another important point that Hoyle says can help a company transition to using advanced technologies.

“You don’t need to start with a massive transformation project – just pick out some quick and easy wins to prove the case for further investment.”

This information is general only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. It should not be relied upon as advice. As with any insurance, cover will be subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy wording. © 2023 BizCover Pty Limited, all rights reserved. ABN 68 127 707 975; AFSL 501769

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