Winning your first clients as a sole trader

So, you’ve started your sole trader business and become your own boss. Congratulations! But now that you’ve got the admin stuff out of the way, it’s time to turn your focus on winning those all-important first clients.

When faced with it, finding a customer can be an intimidating task as you are now entering the crux of why you started your sole trader business. Whether you seek to win a client as a tradie or marketer, your product or service is aimed at a specific audience and it’s time to reach them.

While you should note that this is just a sole trader business guide and you should seek advice of a professional to make decisions based on your own circumstances, this blog will give you tips you may need to land your first customer.

It will hopefully give you that euphoric feeling of selling something, validating your decision to branch out on your own, and put you on the path to creating a sustainable small business.

1. Know how to sell your idea

As a sole trader, you are in control of most – if not all – aspects of your business. And because of this, all the decisions about your product or service will come down to you. This places you in pole position to sell your product or service because who knows it better than you?

Your potential customers may be nervous about doing business with someone so new, so they will need to be convinced by what they are buying into. Perfecting your sales pitch and knowing your stuff about your business will help put away the concerns of any prospective clients. Try to anticipate the questions you may be asked and have an answer ready to go.

2. Ensure you have the right structures in place

Some potential customers may also be cautious about the risks of getting into business with someone new. Having the right licenses and qualifications and being readily able to display them is a must for many industries.

Business is all about reducing risks and many potential customers may want to know what safeguards you have in place just in case something was to happen.

Having adequate business insurance could not only alleviate this worry for a potential customer but protect you and your business if a claim was made against you. Sole trader insurance is particularly important, as this type of business structure ties your personal assets and liability to your small business.

3. Get your name out there

If you’ve done the research on your competitors and the wider market, you will know where to reach your audience. From utilising newer channels such as social media to using more traditional avenues such as print, radio, and TV, there are plenty of different mediums to advertise your sole trader business. You could even use the tried and trusted method of physical advertising such as flyers, brochures and bus seats depending on your industry and budget.

It’s also becoming increasingly important to etch out a digital space for your business. Creating a website and a social media presence is a great way to engage with prospective clients. Try and keep it clean and simple, and make sure your brand is consistent across all mediums. Try to ensure that whoever views the page knows your main selling points and offer them a call to action for whatever you want them to do (usually to buy your product).

If all this sounds confusing, reach out to a marketing professional to help you build your brand, or jump online and check out some free resources on YouTube or online to give you some more ideas.

4. The bottom line

While this list is by no means exhaustive, it will hopefully put you in the right direction to landing your first client as a sole trader. Your first sale is something that you will remember for years to come so be sure to cherish that feeling when the moment arrives.

* This information is general only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. It should not be relied upon as advice. As with any insurance, cover will be subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy wording. © 2022 BizCover Pty Limited, all rights reserved.
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